Civil Marriage in Miami, Florida (United States)

Attorney Vanessa Elmaleh, as a notary approved and recognized under the laws of Florida, offers her services to officiate your wedding ceremony in Miami.
Our team supports you in these approaches, we are here to listen to you, advise you and answer your questions. The first step is an interview with Attorney Vanessa Elmaleh to prepare all your celebration ceremony, by phone or in our offices in Miami. We assist you in your administrative and legal process for your union to be recognized by U.S. and French laws. We also review all the choices of text for exchanging vows and rings, and anything else you want to share with us.
We also offer to execute the administrative follow-up with the French Consulate so that your civil marriage is recognized in France.
Attorney Vanessa Elmaleh officiate ceremonies in exceptional and unforgettable places of South Florida: the famous and beautiful beach of South Beach, The South Pointe Park by the sea in Miami Beach and breathtaking views of the ocean, the harbor and downtown Miami and the island of Key Biscayne.
We also offer more intimate ceremonies. Your wedding can be officiated in a small committee in our offices in Miami Beach (Florida).
We thank you for contacting us for further details and a quote based on your personal choices and options chosen. We manage the administrative and legal part of the wedding ceremony and invite you if you wish to use in conjunction the services of a wedding planner to prepare your wedding.
Click here to read the testimonials of the newlyweds.
Elmaleh Attorney at Law is also a notary public. So she has the power to:
1. Administer oaths and affirmations.
2. Take ackoledgments.
3. Attest photocopies of certain documents.
4. Perform a wedding ceremony in Florida.
Marriage License:
Section 741.08 F.S. states that any person who wants to perform his/her marriage in Florida needs a Marriage License. Both Florida Residents and non-residents can apply for a Marriage License. The Marriage License is available for sixty (60) days.
Residents of the State of Florida:
1. You have to wait three days for the marriage license becomes effective if you do not opt for the Premarital Course.
2. You must provide your Social Security Number.
Non-Florida residents:
1. Are exempt of any waiting period.
2. May provide your Alien Registration Card, Driver License, Passport or any other legal form of identification if you do not have a Social Security Number.
1. Both parties (bride and groom) aged of 18 and over must apply in person.
2. Identification: You must provide identification with a picture, signature and birth date. Passport, Driver’s License, Alien Registration Card, State of Florida ID, and Military ID are available.
3. Citizenship status or Residence is not required to apply for a Marriage License.
4. If one of the applicants has been previously married, he/she has to provide the exact date of the last divorce, death or annulment.
The party who performed the wedding ceremony has to return the Marriage License to the Marriage License Bureau.
For further information about the Marriage License, please click "here". ».
We invite you to read the testimonials of the newlywed.
"We contacted Vanessa Elmaleh by email for all the procedures to follow a marriage recognized in France celebrated in Miami; she responded immediately and explained the different steps. Everything went very well. After arriving in Miami we met her and her team for the last formalities. On August 15, Vanessa celebrated our wedding at the South Pointe Park in Miami Beach. The ceremony was simple and short as we had desired. Her sympathy and seriousness made this marriage celebration very touching. We have our extract copy of Family Registry and French Certificate of Marriage. Thank you again Vanessa, for this marriage celebration that has not been too difficult for French people living in France and wanting to get married in the U.S."
"The office location is very nice. All employees are friendly and helpful. I managed to organize my wedding in 4 days and as for now I am pretty much satisfied with the process. I highly recommend to those people who value their time and do not want to be involved in all paper work themselves."
"We thank Vanessa for marrying us with sympathy, enormous professionalism, and a little bit of patience. It was a real pleasure to be honored by her presence. We also thank her legal team that was always pleased to have us in their offices; we honestly recommend her services to all those who wish to get married in Miami".