Notary services in Miami, Florida (United States)

Marriage License:

Section 741.08 F.S. states that any person who wants to perform his/her marriage in Florida needs a Marriage License. Both Florida Residents and non-residents can apply for a Marriage License. The Marriage License is available for sixty (60) days.

Residents of the State of Florida:

1. You have to wait three days for the marriage license becomes effective if you do not opt for the Premarital Course.
2. You must provide your Social Security Number.

Non-Florida residents:

1. Are exempt of any waiting period.
2. May provide your Alien Registration Card, Driver License, Passport or any other legal form of identification if you do not have a Social Security Number.


1. Both parties (bride and groom) aged of 18 and over must apply in person.
2. Identification: You must provide identification with a picture, signature and birth date. Passport, Driver’s License, Alien Registration Card, State of Florida ID, and Military ID are available.
3. Citizenship status or Residence is not required to apply for a Marriage License.
4. If one of the applicants has been previously married, he/she has to provide the exact date of the last divorce, death or annulment.

The party who performed the wedding ceremony has to return the Marriage License to the Marriage License Bureau.

For further information about the Marriage License, please click "here".

Notary Work in USA:

Elmaleh Attorney at Law is a notary public. So she has the power to:

1. Administer oaths and affirmations.
2. Take ackoledgments.
3. Attest photocopies of certain documents.
4. Perform a wedding ceremony.

Administer oaths or affirmations and take acknowledgment:

To take an acknowledgment, the document signer must personally be present and declare that he or she has signed the document voluntarily. The notary public must ensure that the document signer understands the documents.

An oath or affirmation is administering a document signer when the signer is required to make a sworn statement about certain facts. The signer must personally be present to swear. Sworn statements are commonly used in affidavits, depositions and applications.

A deposition is the testimony of a witness, under oath or affirmation, taken outside of court in which lawyers ask oral questions of the witness. Notaries are authorized to administer an oath for a deposition for use in a court case or an investigation. The deponent must be physically present and provide identification.

Nowadays, all translations for the USCIS must be authenticated by a notary. Therefore, we can translate your documents and authenticate them for your visa application.

Law offices of Vanessa Elmaleh & Associates

Citizenship and Immigration Legal Services, Inc. ( « CILS, Inc. » )

Miami Florida Office: 407 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139    |    Los Angeles California Office: 18455 Burbank Blvd, Suite 314, Los Angeles, CA 91356     |    San Francisco California Office: 1419 Broadway Alameda, San Francisco, CA 94510    |    Paris Office : 43 rue Mazarine, 75006 Paris, France

Tel: (001) 305 538 0009 / 1 888 US VISA3 - Fax: (001) 305 534 8810